Many of you might have this question in your mind as to who are the ones who can be eligible to opt for the tummy tuck surgery procedure. Nowadays, this surgery has become widely popular in today’s technologically advanced world. In this type of surgery, the extra skin and fat are removed to flatten the abdomen. It is after the removal of the fat that the doctors tighten the muscles and connective tissues with the help of sutures. So, if you want to opt for tummy tuck in Dubai, you have to stay tuned to us until the end.
Needless to say, tummy tuck surgery is one of the most suitable surgical procedures for those who want to lose extra fat around the belly button. In fact, this surgery will boost the overall image of the body. Moreover, it is also a major surgery for contouring the body. So, in today’s article, we shall discuss whether or not anyone can opt for this particular surgical procedure.
What Do You Mean By Tummy Tuck Surgery?
As we said earlier, tummy tuck surgery is done in order to remove the excess fat from the abdomen to tighten the muscles around the belly button. Even though many people mistake it as similar to liposuction, however, the two of them are pretty different. In tummy tuck surgery, the elasticity of the skin is brought back by shedding off the extra fat. Therefore, you can indeed contact the best female plastic surgeon in Dubai for this surgical procedure.
Well, this is highly beneficial for minimizing the effect of stretch marks on the lower abdominal part that occurs after pregnancy or weight changes. A tummy tuck surgery mainly tightens the abdominal wall and removes excess, loose, and flabby skin. Now let us look into the details as to who are the ones eligible for this procedure.
Who Can Opt For Tummy Tuck Surgical Procedure?
Well, this is one of the questions that might be lingering in our readers’ minds. So now, you might wonder whether all men and women are eligible for this surgical procedure or if there are certain criteria. Let us tell you that both men and women who are in good health are eligible for this. So the following points are about all those people who can opt for this surgery:
According to doctors, women who have had multiple pregnancies may opt for Tummy Tuck surgery. Well, this is mainly for tightening and removing the extra skin of the abdomen.
In addition, people who are obese and want to remove the extra fat that deposits around the belly can go for this surgery. Also, people having a weak lower abdominal wall can be eligible for a tummy tuck surgery.
Moreover, in cases where Liposuction did not help in improving the appearance of the abdomen significantly, tummy tuck surgery can be done. At the same time, women who have had C-sections previously and want to remove the scar can also opt for this procedure.
Who Are The Ones Not Eligible For A Tummy Tuck Surgery?
As you know, nowadays, tummy tuck surgery is opted for by many people. However, the question lies in whether everyone is eligible for this surgery or not. Well, it is not for everyone. Here are some of the cases where it is better to avoid a tummy tuck surgery:
People who are obese plan to lose significant weight, and they feel that through this surgical procedure, it can be easily done. According to health experts, tummy tuck is applicable when all the other options fail. So, it is in no way an alternative option for weight loss.
In addition, women who might consider future pregnancy often try to opt for this procedure to tighten the muscles. However, this is not at all a surgical procedure for all these purposes. It is also not applicable to people having chronic conditions like diabetes, heart problems, or irritable bowel syndrome. At the same time, people having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 should not opt for this procedure.
What are the precautions that should be taken before tummy tuck surgery?
Before any surgery, certain precautions need to be taken. So here are all the instructions that people should follow before a tummy tuck surgery:
- Patients have to quit smoking as it can affect blood circulation and lower the healing process.
- You should avoid medications like any kind of anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and herbal supplements.
- Moreover, you should also maintain a stable weight for at least a year.
- You should also remember to take medications like anticoagulants to prevent any kind of complications.
- You can also ask someone to share their experience if they have also undergone the same surgical procedure.
Steps That Are Followed In A Tummy Tuck Surgery
If you research a bit, you will know that there are a series of steps involved in a tummy tuck procedure, irrespective of the patient’s age and gender. So here are all those steps:
- Preparing for the procedure needs to be done by the surgeon as anaesthesia is to be given to the patient by assessing the patient’s fitness.
- Now, placing the incision around the belly button is another essential step.
- After this, the extra fat and loose skin are removed, and the abdominal muscles are tightened.
- Now, the positioning of the navel area, along with suturing the incision, is to be performed.
Ending Note
So as we conclude, we can say that tummy tuck surgery has become quite common these days as people like to look slim and trim. Therefore, in such cases, this surgery is highly beneficial. However, that should not be the only reason why you should opt for this surgery which you can achieve by leading a proper and healthy lifestyle.